Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A quick non-beer at a beer place

To sum it up: Last night, I ate dinner at a brewery, while Intervention blasted on the TV screen. We went to the Detroit Beer Company on Broadway in downtown for a post-workout meal. The place is really cool. Multi-level, wood paneling, very nice servers. There was a stale smoke smell, which was irritating, but overall, it was really great.

I had a Southwest-inspired salad, with black beans, tortilla strips and cheddar. But no beer. I am on a diet, per se. Wasn't into the cilantro-lime dressing. My friend had the turkey pita with sprouts and waffle fries. The sandwich was huge and the fries (I nabbed two) were excellent - seasoned, warm and perfect to dip in ranch.

So much for my diet.

Anyhoo, one of the TVs in our section was on the show Intervention, where people confront the addict in their lives and beg them to get help. Of course, everyone around us is drinking beer. Funny.

The only downside to the whole evening was that it took two requests to get the volume on the Intervention TV lowered to where we could hear ourselves think. And at a bar-cum-restaurant, think about how loud that must have been.
